Brand Archetypes: The Sage (the data says this will work)
You’re a teacher and a shaman,
Detective of the buried truth,
Both the wise and loving leader,
And the ever-skeptic sleuth.
Your students look to you to show them,
All the hidden worlds you know,
And the data, facts, and evidence,
That pull & push their future’s flow.
A lifelong learner, ever-searching,
For what lies beyond the hype.
And the golden grains of evidence,
That must be brought to light.
Your clarity’s unshakeable,
Your focus is supreme,
You build rock-steady, brave solutions
And pave bridges out to dreams.
Introducing the Sage Archetype
If we don’t know each other, hi, I’m Jen Kem. I’m the CEO of the Master Brand Institute where we guide entrepreneurs on the path to uncovering their unique message with such clarity, they can turn any conversation into a sales conversation.
And today, we’re talking about the Brand Archetype called the Sage. In this video, I want to give you an in-depth understanding of what it means to embody the Sage Brand Archetype. We’re going to cover strengths, weaknesses, business themes and integrating this information into your business
If the Sage had a power statement it’s:
I am The Sage.
My quest is to find the truth and educate the people around me.
The questions that excite me are, “What are the facts?” “What is the truth?” “What is the most important thing that we need to know?”
I love to teach, coach, and inspire.
I am rational, well-spoken, and clear. I take complicated situations and explain them simply. When I speak, things just make sense. My students have “a ha!” moments. Epiphanies abound!
I am an expert in my field. I have researched extensively. I have studied rigorously and I bring this expertise to my audience to help them solve problems – better and faster than they could do it alone.
I wholeheartedly believe that “when you know better, you do better.”
I believe there is always more to learn. The journey never ends.
Now, when we talk about Brand Archetypes, each one has a set of Power Words that best represent them. I think it’s important to point out that the words themselves don’t need to be used in every piece of your message.
It’s more accurate to say when your audience reads your message they need to feel these Power Words.
Sage power words include:
Teacher, Mentor, Educator, Knowledgeable, Epiphany, Breakthrough, Smart, Research, Competent, Wisdom, Intelligence, Integrity, Prudence, Character
A great question to ask yourself is, does my current message make ME feel these words?
Moving on – one of the most important things I recommend when it comes to fully embodying your Brand Archetype is looking at brands who model your archetype well.
I call them Master Brand Models because that’s what they are – models of brands that masterfully embrace their Archetype. When we look at these conceptual models, what you’re really looking trying to understand is the vibe or energy they give off – not the literal look or words though they might be useful
Master Brand that I believe model the Sage Archetype excellently include:
Wayne Dyer, Arielle Ford, Deepak Chopra, Oprah Winfrey, Audi, CNN, IBM, Google
At its essence, the Sage is one who illuminates the path for students who want to discover something new. Their demeanor and intention distinguishes them as they’ve an ability to pull together seemingly disparate bits of wisdom into something practical and meaningful. The “light bulb” moment is really important for them to witness and enjoy. The illumination they offer can be specialized to a particular situation or set of circumstances, or general wisdom.
Moving into Strategic Positioning, the Sage gives off a vibe that says, “I seek out knowledge so that my self-reflection and thinking process can support how I serve my clients and customers in expanding their horizons”
Strengths of this Archetype include education, generosity, idealism and morality.
Recurring themes and pillars of this brand include:
“The truth will set you free”
“Information is transformation”
“The big picture and the step-by-step path is the road to success”
“Trust me on this”
“Expand your mind”
See, the Sage Archetype represents thinking in its highest form and that through thinking comes truth. Expert opinion is respected by the Sage, and autonomy and objectiveness are high values. Sages don’t get muddled by hearsay or glorified claims, they value data and information to help guide decisions for their company as well as others. Don’t think the Sage isn’t intuitive though; it’s just that they require empirical evidence to support their knowing. A skilled investigator, Sages are great at seeing patterns that support a solution.
Of course, all Archetypes have a dark side as well. In Archetypal Psychology, the dark side isn’t a bad thing. Simply put, these are things that when done make it harder than necessary to get what you want.
So, the shadow of The Sage is the “professional student”, someone who’s always learning, studying and preparing instead of transmuting their insights into action.
The feelings you may experience that begin these dark side actions are:
The fear of being duped or ignorant, feeling disconnected from reality, dogmatism, righteousness and arrogance
Other feelings or instances that lead to dark side behavior are: lack of tact and diplomacy, ignoring possibly important details, gluttony and overconfidence
Again, there’s nothing wrong with these things so don’t feel shame if you experience them. It’s more important to understand that these can make you start doing things that don’t support what you want. When they come up, identify them and pivot into what you should be doing.
So, what makes the Sage unique in your industry?
Through the ages, people have sought the advice and counsel of Sages, given their ability to transcend the “personal” in order to discern and uncover symbols and signs hidden in life’s challenges.
Generous of spirit yet discriminating, the Sage gently shares great wisdom with compassion and mercy so teaching may facilitate a path where mistakes are not repeated.
They’ve a core belief that thinking is what defines the human experience and that truth is the ultimate goal. Motivated by independence, cognitive fulfillment and a serious need to know, they possess great knowledge gained from deep experience.
Now, let’s integrate all this concept into your business in a meaningful way.
The Sage’s products and services have the opportunity to move customers to aspire towards and ideate their greatest dreams with morality, philosophy and real results.
Confidence in facts, numbers, outcomes and experiences is important and, don’t be obstinate or overly confident that your route is the only path to the truth.
Your audience wants you to be smarter than them but don’t want to feel stupid. They want to feel like you’ve done the work for them so they don’t have to think about it. Focus on what’s extremely useful and you will find balance in your audience relationship.
The emotional phrases you want to stir up in your audience include:
“You fulfill my need for upward momentum.”
“You always have an upgraded path.”
“You’re “out there” all the time and never go quiet.”
“You always support your truth with the facts”
“You make me feel like I always have a fair shake”
Here are some key things that are NOT the Sage’s jam.
Anything “loosey goosey” makes you nuts. There’s always a thoughtful path to the bigger picture, and any product or service you have needs to be tested and found to be useful. Be wary of any projects that keep you stuck. Although the Sage depends heavily on thinking, the most successful ones know that they need to quickly test then kill those that don’t work.
Some important things to remember as a Sage is your audience is attracted to understanding, intelligence and philosophy.
The Sage isn’t just a “teacher” or a “reporter.’ They’re a problem-solver who helps people sort truth from illusion by subduing the paranoia of the unknown.
Sometimes the Sage can appear stiff or lacking in social graces so be mindful of this when engaging with customers, team or the public perception of your brand. This is important to know so you can give your audience space to embrace your idiosyncrasies.
Your audience expects you to know the big picture, abide by the laws of the land and society, AND help them aim high and expect more. Strive to make that ideal a reality.
Finally, some feature and positioning angles to draw more attention to your offer:
- Provide expertise and in-depth information to your customers
- Encourage your audience to think bigger, better and bolder
- Focus on using facts and case studies as the foundation beneath your offer structure
- Capitalize on opportunities that your competitors missed in their offer
And a final word for the Sage. Anything that doesn’t have a space in the bigger picture of a solution or result that will impact the world isn’t worthy of the Sage’s time or effort. Wisdom is the goal, so do things that keep creating evidence that your brand is the one to choose.
Now the question is, what do you do with this information? Well, there are two options.
First, if you’re sitting here, wondering to yourself, “am I a Sage?!” then you’re going to want to take my Brand Archetype Assessment. This in-depth psychological assessment is the ONLY Archetype test on the internet that’s been recognized by a top collegiate school of psychology. Basically, this is not some buzzfeed quiz you take for funsies. This is a deep dive into the psychology that makes your brand unique in the marketplace.
Second, if you already know your Brand Archetype Mix, then you want to check out my Archetypal Storytelling Workshop. With over 6-hours of content, this in-depth program will give you both a conceptual and practical understanding of using your Brand Archetype Mix in your business. By the end of it you’ll have identified several stories from your life that can be shared to attract more high-quality, paying clients.
You can find more information down below!
And that’s it!
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I’m Jen Kem, here to help you elevate how the world sees, hears and pays you.
Until next time.
I’ve created a psychological assessment to determine your brand archetype. And before you ask, no, this isn’t some Buzzfeed, “which Disney princess are you?” quiz.
This is a psychological assessment that’s been reviewed, vetted and approved by one of the top collegiate schools of psychology in the United States. With this information, you’ll be able to refine your marketing message to turn complete strangers into raving clients.
Check it out:
Knowing your archetype is one thing. Knowing how to use it as a compass to tell persuasive, action-provoking stories is something completely different.
Which is why I created the Archetypal Storytelling Workshop. An in-depth, 6-hour training, this workshop will equip you with a crystal clear understanding of how to practically integrate your archetype into your message.
Check it out:
#ValuesDriven #MasterBrand #Femmefluence #JenKem
Cartoons | Fiction | Reality | Brands | Authority |
![]() Yoda |
![]() Clarisse Renaldi |
![]() Oprah Winfrey |
![]() TED Talks |
![]() Ryan Holiday |
![]() Jiminy Cricket |
![]() Gandalf |
![]() Bill Gates |
![]() Discovery Channel |
![]() Tim Ferris |
![]() Rafiki |
![]() Hermione Granger |
![]() Mark Zuckerberg |
![]() |
![]() Chani Nicholas |
- Master Brand Archetypes to Model: Maverick, Explorer, Lover
- Master Brand Archetypes to Model: Healer, Advocate, Muse
- Master Brand Archetypes to Model: Sage, Hero, Creator
- Master Brand Archetypes to Model: Ruler, Alchemist, Provocateur
- Brand Archetypes: The Maverick (boldly say what everyone else is thinking)
- Brand Archetypes: The Provocateur (it’s called surprise & delight)
- Brand Archetypes: The Sage (the data says this will work)
- Brand Archetypes: The Explorer (life is a grand adventure)