Brand Archetypes: The Hero (never quit – get back up)
With a warrior’s strength
And valiant soul,
You step willingly into your role
As champion, righter of wrong,
The whole world
Sings your battle song.
A knight of truth and faith and light,
You fear no shade
Nor endless night.
Aware of the role that sacrifice plays,
On the road to change
And brighter days.
You believe the self is second to the common good of all
And a hero’s winding journey
Is your unmistaken call.
Introducing the Hero Archetype
If we don’t know each other, hi, I’m Jen Kem. I’m the CEO of the Master Brand Institute where we guide entrepreneurs on the path to uncovering their unique message with such clarity, they can turn any conversation into a sales conversation.
And today, we’re talking about the Brand Archetype called the Hero. In this video, I want to give you an in-depth understanding of what it means to embody the Hero Brand Archetype. We’re going to cover strengths, weaknesses, business themes and integrating this information into your business
If the Hero had a power statement it’s:
I am The Hero.
I will never give up.
No matter how big the obstacle, I always keep fighting to win.
Every day, I pick myself up and get back into the ring – and I inspire my audience to do the same.
Do I have rock bottom moments, failures, and setbacks? Absolutely. But I always rise back up. I won’t quit.
I protect the things that really matter – my kids, my loved ones, my country, my reputation. And, I come through for my clients and ‘save the day’ no matter what.
I believe that there is a Hero inside each of us. We all have the capacity to be tough, assertive, and brave.
Now, when we talk about Brand Archetypes, each one has a set of Power Words that best represent them. I think it’s important to point out that the words themselves don’t have to be used in every piece of your message.
It’s more accurate to say when your audience reads your message, the feelings you create are these Power Words.
Hero power words include:
Courageous, Brave, Undaunted, Overcome, Valor, Trust, Integrity, Discipline, Redemption, Faith, Strength, Stamina
A great question to ask yourself is, does my current message make ME feel like these words?
Moving on – one of the most important things I recommend when it comes to fully embodying your Brand Archetype is looking at brands who model your archetype well.
I call them Master Brand Models because that’s what they are – models of brands that masterfully embrace their Archetype. When we look at these conceptual models, what you’re really looking trying to understand is the vibe or energy they give off – not the literal look or words though they might be useful
Master Brand that I believe model the Hero Archetype excellently include:
Lewis Howes, Russell Simmons, Nike, Fedex, Peloton, U.S. Military, U.S. Postal Service, Orange Theory, Ford, Michael Phelps, DoorDash, H&R Block, Brawny Paper Towels, AAA Roadside Service
At its essence, the Hero is the warrior, crusader, rescuer, superhero, the soldier, dragon slayer, the winner and the team player.
This archetype desires sweeping changes that empower others to save the world from anything negative or threatening toward progress and courage.
The Hero is all about developing more energy, discipline, focus and determination. As individual personalities, they are ambitious and seek out challenges to overcome. They feel outraged and a sense of personal responsibility around injustice, with lightning quick responses to “fix” these injustices.
Moving into Strategic Positioning, the Hero gives off a vibe that says, “I achieve mastery over anything I feel will improve the world for everyone.”
Strengths of this Archetype include helping others become strong, competent, and powerful in their own right.
Recurring themes and pillars of this brand include:
“Where there’s a will, there’s a way”
“No matter how many times you get knocked down, get back up”
“If the customer wants it, we will find a way to get it to them”
“We are our own superheroes.”
See, the Hero Archetype is about overcoming great odds through courage, intrinsic goodness and sheer perseverance.
You support others to create the fullest expression of themselves with the goal of transformation. The Hero has remarkable resilience and stamina in the achievement of dreams; you don’t let people give up on themselves.
Suffering is completely optional as far as the Hero is concerned. This archetype teaches truth, justice, assertiveness, and helps their audience create movements that are bigger than themselves.
Of course, all Archetypes have a dark side as well. In Archetypal Psychology, the dark side isn’t a bad thing. Simply put, these are things that when done make it harder than necessary to get what you want.
So, the shadow side of the Hero is based on the fear of weakness, vulnerability and “quitting” before you finish. Because they are so intent on proving worth through courageous and difficult action, they can be distracted by side quests along the way.
The feelings you may experience that begin these dark side actions are:
Delusions of grandeur, arrogance, temptation of power, and ignoring their personal kryptonite.
Other feelings or instances that lead to dark side behavior are: bullying, defensiveness and a
Again, there’s nothing wrong with these things so don’t feel shame if you experience them. It’s more important to understand that these can make you start doing things that don’t support what you want. When they come up, identify them and pivot into what you should be doing.
So, what makes the Hero unique in your industry?
The Hero acts to redeem society by overcoming great odds in service to completing extraordinary acts of strength, courage and goodness.
They’re constantly admired by those who appreciate the self-sacrifice, stamina and courage required to triumph over adversity.
They have a meta position in the collective unconsciousness, possessing admirable traits that resonate within every human.
The journey they lead clients on is considered a universal story of the path from the ego of self to a new, elevated identity. One phase of the Hero’s journey is commonly known as “the dark night of the soul” which precedes the transformation to a new life.
Now, let’s integrate all this concept into your business in a meaningful way.
The customers of the Hero Archetype are hungry for brands that are expressing themselves at their most philanthropic level. When this archetypes combines what they do with beneficial causes that matter to their audience, the public rushes to open their wallet.
The Hero has a huge advantage over other archetypes when their strengths, ethics and convictions are paired with the products and services they offer. This makes their audience feel like heroes in their own right.
To insure this, make sure to have systems and processes in place to demonstrate how your company helps your customers to be their own heroes.
The emotional phrases you want to stir up in your audience include:
“You make me feel like I can reach the next level.”
“You make me feel like I’m the hero in my own story.”
“You make me feel like we can weather any storm by hunkering down and focusing on what matters.”
“You make me feel like no matter the problem, we can always overcome it.”
“You make me feel like you spot the problems long before they ever affect me.”
Here are some key things that are NOT the Heroes jam.
Environment with high levels of stimulation seem appealing at first but quickly become areas of distraction as they open up many side quests and people to be saved,
Also, Heroes do better with mass appeal products than extremely defined offerings. Don’t get too niched in the packaging or delivery of your offers as it’ll make your audience see you as a “small town hero” instead of someone who’s in the big leagues.
Some important things to remember as a Hero is your audience sees you as strong, competent and assertive – use it to your advantage. You make things that most people struggle with look easy. As a result, you inspire them to desire your grit, tenacity and drive.
By staying at the forefront of major issues, as they pertain to your industry, you’ll demonstrate that you’re looking to create a better world for all. Your audience will deem you as “innately good,” becoming advocates for everything you do.
Finally, some feature and positioning angles to draw more attention for your offer:
• Show clients how the work you do will help them reach their next level
• Identify clear competitors you can go toe-to-toe with. They don’t have to be actual competitors – they can also be ideas, beliefs or existing social constructs
• Make it clear that you are the underdog on the rise people want to cheer on
• Be fast & responsive. Having a quick response time in the mundane moments of life will win people’s loyalty
• Tap into your audience’s sense of patriotism, loyalty, values and morality
And a final word for the Hero. Focus on bringing something to your customers and clients that empowers them to become their own hero. All roads lead to them rescuing themselves, with your awesome products and services. Keep asking yourself: “How can I make my client feel like the winner when they use my product?”
So now the question is what do you do with this information? Well, there are a few options.
First, if you’re sitting here, wondering to yourself, “am I a Hero?!” then you’re going to want to take my Brand Archetype Assessment. This in-depth psychological assessment is one of the only tests on the internet that’s been checked, certified and endorsed by a top collegiate school of psychology. Basically, this is not some buzzfeed quiz. It’s a deep dive into the psychology that makes your brand unique in the marketplace.
Second, if you’ve been struggling to clearly communicate your message in a way that makes people say, “I want that!”, you need to check out my messaging program, the Unique Message Model Workshop. It’s a step-by-step, 6-part training to identify, uncover then refine the 6-pieces of what makes your message unique, different and persuasive in the marketplace
Third, if you know storytelling is what you need to focus on but it feels hard to tell stories, you need to check out my storytelling program, the Persuasive Storytelling Workshop. This workshop is focused on dismantling the lies you’ve been taught by marketers and instead, tapping into the natural storytelling gift you already have. Once you reconnect with that piece of yourself, turning any story into a moment that makes your audience say, “I need that in my life!” will be a piece of gluten-free cake.
You can find more information on all of these down below!
And that’s it!
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I’m Jen Kem, here to help you elevate how the world sees, hears and pays you.
Until next time.
I’ve created a psychological assessment to determine your brand archetype. And before you ask, no, this isn’t some Buzzfeed, “which Disney princess are you?” quiz.
This is a psychological assessment that’s been reviewed, vetted and approved by one of the top collegiate schools of psychology in the United States. With this information, you’ll be able to refine your marketing message to turn complete strangers into raving clients.
Check it out:
Knowing your archetype is one thing. Knowing how to use it as a compass to tell persuasive, action-provoking stories is something completely different. Which is why I created the Archetypal Storytelling Workshop. An in-depth, 6-hour training, this workshop will equip you with a crystal clear understanding of how to practically integrate your archetype into your message.
Check it out:
#ValuesDriven #MasterBrand #Femmefluence #JenKem
Cartoons | Fiction | Reality | Brands | Authority |
![]() Simba |
![]() Rocky Balboa |
![]() Nelson Mandela |
![]() Nike |
![]() Lewis Howes |
![]() Wonder Woman |
![]() Katniss Everdeen |
![]() Michael Jordan |
![]() U.S. Military Branches |
![]() Abby Wambach |
![]() Merida |
![]() Harry Potter |
![]() Ruth Bader Ginsburg |
![]() FedEx |
![]() David Goggins |
- Master Brand Archetypes to Model: Maverick, Explorer, Lover
- Master Brand Archetypes to Model: Healer, Advocate, Muse
- Master Brand Archetypes to Model: Sage, Hero, Creator
- Master Brand Archetypes to Model: Ruler, Alchemist, Provocateur
- Brand Archetypes: The Maverick (boldly say what everyone else is thinking)
- Brand Archetypes: The Provocateur (it’s called surprise & delight)
- Brand Archetypes: The Sage (the data says this will work)
- Brand Archetypes: The Explorer (life is a grand adventure)